Holy Quran
Quran has been revealed for the guidance of
mankind and invites the people of wisdom to read into its pages to enhance
human knowledge about the universe and Creator, and to create environments
where man could live in peace and harmony with the fellow human beings and with
the Nature.
Quran is a part of the Knowledge - which is
limitless, and therefore it encapsules the stages of human development. It also
contains the solutions of issues and problems which mankind faces and specifies
a complete Islamic system ie the system which facilitates living in peace -
where there is no oppression, insecurity, fear and inequality. Quran commands
authority and leadership and thus declares that if anyone has any doubts about
the truth of the Book which has been revealed to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w), then
they should try to make even one passage which could match the Book, and poses
the challenge that despite the knowledge and resources that man has , he will
not be able to do so (re: Al-Baqra 2:23-24). This challenge has not been met
I think perhaps it would help to outline a few
basic but key aspects of the Quran:
More about → The Holy Quran